Sheriff’s Server Fiasco Continues

It is likely that the St. Francois County Prosecutor will be forced to start dismissing cases as soon as this week due to insufficient evidence after the loss of thirty years of data.

On the recent Parkland Podcast, Sheriff Dan Bullock said that the server collapse was a “humongous coincidence.”

So far, nobody has actually taken responsibility for the loss of records that go back to at least 1996.

Based on our research, there was no actual backup of any of the data — rather there was a system called RAID that is meant as a help if there are gaps in data but not as a total backup of a server.

The county commission last week announced that they will be ignoring the terms of the contract with Spillman, blaming them for the data loss. In our estimation, Spillman will demand full payment on the contract because we cannot figure out how it was their fault that the entire server crashed.